Photo Courtesy: Charles Deluvio

Why Small Changes Are Not Enough in Energy Efficiency

Written by EnergyX Solutions

 Millions of people take steps each year to try to reduce their carbon footprint and save energy.  Utility companies offer behavior-changing suggestions such as thermostats, appliances, and smart meters to help them do just that.  What many people don’t realize, however, is that these changes – while positive – are but a drop in the bucket, and won’t produce substantive energy or cost savings in the long run.  To reach our climate change targets and produce real, meaningful energy savings we have to think bigger.  One company, EnergyX Solutions, is on a mission to help deliver the long-term benefits and gains of opting for retrofitting buildings, rather than focusing on smaller behavioural changes.

“It’s nice to adjust the thermostat or take other behavioural changes, but we know that there is a much better way,” explains Nishaant Sangaavi, the co-founder and chief executive officer of EnergyX Solutions.  “We can’t rely upon forcing people to try and make changes to the way they live.  When you retrofit the homes and buildings, it lasts the life of the building and you are going to generate real, significant energy savings and emissions reductions.”

EnergyX Solutions specializes in what President Biden’s administration is proposing.  President Biden has announced his clean energy plan for the next four years.  His plan includes upgrading four million buildings and weatherizing two million homes over the next four years.  The goal is to retrofit the homes and buildings to help them become more energy-efficient.

Photo Courtesy: Erik McLean

The core difference in what EnergyX Solutions offers compared to other companies is that it focuses on identifying deep retrofit opportunities.  These building retrofits can help reduce energy consumption by 60 per cent, which is far more than focusing on behavioural changes only.  There are numerous reasons why focusing on retrofitting buildings is the better route to go, including:

  • Habits are hard to break.  Asking people to make behavioural changes, such as shutting off lights, and adjusting their thermostat, is not a solid way to achieve long-term success. People may start out changing their behaviour, then fall back into old habits, or they may not want to make changes at all. Further, the behavioural changes only amount to a two to seven per cent energy savings.
  • Retrofitting saves more energy.  Energy consumption reduction can be as much as 60 per cent when there has been a deep retrofit.  When you add up the savings over time, seven per cent versus 60 per cent, the difference is vast. 
  • Higher resale values.  When a home has been retrofitted for energy savings, it is going to have a higher resale value.  With retrofitting, the work has been done to reduce energy consumption, making it attractive to new buyers who will also benefit from the lower monthly energy costs.
  • Homes become more durable.  Rather than focusing on adjusting the thermostat, among other behavioural changes, retrofitted homes become more durable.  The changes that are made help to keep out moisture, improve ventilation, hold in heat during the winter, and more. 
  • Better indoor and outdoor air quality.  By reaching climate change goals, we will reach outdoor air quality goals, but when homes are retrofitted, they will have better indoor air quality, too.  This is because it helps to keep out pollution, moisture, mould, etc.  Better indoor air quality helps with overall human health.
  • Increased comfort level.  Homes that have been retrofitted to be more energy-efficient have an increased level of comfort.  The indoor conditions are better controlled to make the indoor environment more appealing.
  • More money savings.  While retrofitting buildings costs more up front, it leads to huge savings in the long run.  Once the building has been retrofitted, there will be big savings on a monthly and yearly basis that will add up over time.  Plus, the energy and monetary savings will stay with the building, so even if the tenants change, the benefits will still be gained.

 “We cannot meet climate change targets with behavioural changes alone,” added Sangaavi.  “It is imperative that we focus on deep retrofitting efforts if we are to meet our climate change goals.  We are happy to be at the forefront of this movement and look forward to the long-term successes that will be generated by the retrofit sector.”

Photo Courtesy: Brett Jordan

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, retrofitting a building is taking steps to upgrade the energy performance for its ongoing life.  Retrofit modifications, it reports, can reduce operational costs, attract new tenants, and provide a market edge.

EnergyX Solutions is quickly becoming a leader in the clean energy revolution.  It has raised $5 million in dilutive and non-dilutive funding and has had 100 per cent growth each year.  The EnergyX Solutions software is an artificial intelligence model that is data-driven, offering updates, and strong collaboration with utility partners. It has been designed to offer program automation, workflow, and vendor management, and it can run a utility energy-efficiency program end to end.  Scalable, accurate building audits paired with user-focused and digital program automation will be a critical piece of the retrofit programs of tomorrow.

Utilities and organizations that use the EnergyX Solutions software are able to get the highest net savings per program dollar spent.  Additionally, 70 per cent of those who use the software take steps to improve their energy efficiency; the software reduces the number of calls to call centers, helping to save utilities money; and it offers fully customized solutions so that people get a unique utility customer experience.

To learn more about the EnergyX Solutions software, visit the site at:

Why Small Changes Are Not Enough in Energy Efficiency

About Nishaant Sangaavi

In his quest to utilize the 24-hours to the fullest, Nishaant has been spending many a sleepless nights since founding EnergyX Solutions.  Fascinated by maximizing his own, and others’ potential, here are the words he lives by: “…The definition of hell; on your last day on earth, the person you could have become will meet the person you became.” — Anonymous

He is a proud father of three kids who enjoys experimenting with new workout programs in his home gym, and traveling the world.

Why Small Changes Are Not Enough in Energy Efficiency

About EnergyX Solutions

EnergyX Solutions Inc. is an AI-powered SaaS company that enables utilities to increase customer participation in energy efficiency programs while simultaneously lowering the utility’s cost to engage and serve a customer.  Its MIT award-winning technology is white-label licensed by utilities and government organizations to help them better engage with customers, manage programs, and hit energy efficiency targets.  To learn more about EnergyX Solutions, visit the site: